Internal SHgoulder Rotation on Cable Cross Machine.jpg

 Internal Shoulder Rotation on Cable Cross Machine 

Starting Position 
Select desired weight. Stand near left side of cable cross machine and adjust that pulley to a middle position (with elbow bent 90 degrees, pulley should be in line with the forearm). Place straight hand grip attachment onto the pulley’s carabiner. Grip handle in right hand, palm facing outward, while standing tall, feet wider than hips, abs engaged, and elbow pulled to your side, bent at 90 degrees. 

EXHALE: Keeping elbow bent and fixed at the side of the waist, pull the handle across the midline of the body. 

INHALE: Slowly return to the start position to complete one rep. 

Finish set on this side and then switch sides. 

Special Instructions 
Keep shoulders relaxed and body (especially upper arm) still. Start with a very light weight. If you have shoulder problems or former injury, practice extreme caution with this exercise or avoid it entirely. 

Muscles Worked: Shoulder (rotator cuff)