Dead Lifts with Dumbbells 

Starting Position 
Begin this exercise by standing, feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, shoulders down and back. Hold one dumbbell in each hand, palms facing the body, weights in front of your thighs. Pull the abs in tight. 

INHALE: Keeping knees bent, abs in, and back flat, bend forward from the waist to lower the weights towards the ground. Keep head and neck in a neutral position in line with the spine, which should also be straight (not pictured).

EXHALE: Contract your hamstrings and glutes, and straighten from the hips to return to the starting position. Try doing 1-3 sets with 8-15 repetitions. 

Special Instructions 
Even though there is lower back involvement, the drive should come from the glutes and hamstrings. Begin with very low weight. Your back should remain straight the entire time, so make sure you only bend forward to a level that you can maintain a straight back. Keeping your abs pulled in will help protect your lower back in this exercise.

Muscles Worked: Lower back, Glutes