Arm Fat Workout


Goal:  To tighten up your arms.  In this package there are exercises (and pictures!) that focus on your arms (front and back, shoulders, back and chest.  These exercises can also be done in home if you cannot make it to the gym a certain day and will only take 10-15 minutes of your time.  If you decide to do these exercises on a workout day I suggest doing them towards the end.  It is better to workout bigger muscle groups before targeting surrounding muscles.  It is up to you how many rounds you want to do depending on your time, I would do all these exercises in a row before doing an exercise twice (if you are pressed for time choose 5-8 exercises and repeat them as much as your time allows you, you do not always have to do every exercise… well only if you want to see results quicker)

Different variation options;

Beginner: Pick 8 exercises of the 15 and do them for 1 round. Do not do the same 8 from previous workout. 3 Days a week, never back to back days.

Intermediate: Pick 10 Exercises of the 15 and do them for 1 round. Suggested days a week = 3-4.

Advanced: Do all 15 exercises each workout day for 2 rounds. Suggested 4 days a week.

Athlete: Do all 15 exercises each workout day for 3 rounds. Suggested 4-5 days a week.

Reps: Curious how many reps to do for each exercise? The more you do, the quicker you will see results BUT and this is a huge but… you do not want to go crazy and hurt yourself. Do 10-12 reps (each side if the exercise tells you to alternate) or to burn fat quicker you can do as many reps as you can in 20-30 seconds (start with 20 and as you continue to do this workout you can make your way to 30 seconds) and that will conclude one set.